Frequently Asked Questions

Please click here for the full list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Please click here for the GRFP Application Technical (FAQs).

Below are some of the most frequently asked 2024 application questions.

  • How can I determine if I am eligible to apply to the NSF GRFP?
    • The eligibility requirements for the NSF GRFP competition are contained in Section IV of the NSF GRF Program Solicitation
  • What are the most common reasons applications are returned without review (RWR)?
    • Reason 1: Failure to include separate headings for both Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts in each of the Personal and Research Plan statements. Each statement must include individual, separate “Intellectual Merit” and “Broader Impacts” sections under individual, separate headings. These separately headed sections cannot be combined into one section or combined with any other section. Applications that do not have separate headings and sections for Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts will not be reviewed.
    • Reason 2: Applying with more than one academic year of study in a graduate degree-granting program. Applicants must not have completed more than one academic year of graduate study, as indicated in the academic transcript issued by the registrar of the universities attended, as of the application deadline.
      Summer research activities that are part of the graduate degree program (e.g., research credits) count toward the one-year limit.
      Prior enrollment in a graduate degree program counts toward the one-year limit even if you did not complete the graduate program or were not awarded a degree.
    • Reason 3: Ineligible proposed research. Biological or psychological research for which the goals are directly human disease- or health-related, including the etiology, diagnosis of, and treatment and/or interventions for, physical or mental disease or disorder is not eligible for support, with limited exceptions for applicants in engineering, mathematical, physical, and computer or information sciences with health-related research topics (See the NSF GRFP Solicitation for additional detail).
      Research activities using animal models of disease for developing or testing of drugs, procedures, or interventions for treatment of physical or mental disease or disorder are also not eligible.
  • At what point in my academic career can I apply to NSF GRFP?
    • You can apply both before you begin your graduate studies and as an early graduate student. If you have completed more than one year of graduate study, there are restrictions on your eligibility to apply. Check the Detailed Eligibility Requirements in the NSF GRFP Solicitation to be sure you’re eligible.
  • How do the eligibility rules apply to joint Bachelor’s-Master’s degree students?
    • Individuals pursuing a master’s degree simultaneously with a bachelor’s degree (joint Bachelor’s-Master’s degree) are considered graduate students and are limited to one application to NSF GRFP. These individuals can apply EITHER while enrolled in the joint degree program OR as first-year doctoral students shortly after completion of the joint degree. All Bachelor’s-Master’s degree applicants must enroll in a doctoral program no later than the beginning of the academic year immediately following the academic award year of the joint degree to be eligible to apply for the GRFP.
  • I have completed more than one academic year of graduate study. Are there any circumstances in which I could be eligible?
    • Possibly. Individuals who have completed more than one academic year in a degree-granting program, who have earned a previous master’s degree of any kind (including Bachelor’s-Master’s degree), or who have earned a professional degree (e.g., law, medicine), are eligible only if they have had a continuous interruption in graduate study of at least two consecutive years immediately prior to the application deadline, and are not enrolled in a degree-granting graduate program at the application deadline. This restriction means that you cannot already be enrolled in graduate school at the time of the application deadline. You must address the reasons for the interruption in graduate study in your Personal, Relevant Background, and Future Goals Statement. See the NSF GRF Program Solicitation for detailed eligibility requirements.
  • I am in the first year of my Ph.D. program, but I previously earned a master’s degree. Am I still eligible?
    • Having a master’s degree makes you ineligible to apply to GRFP unless it was followed by a continuous interruption in graduate study of at least two consecutive years immediately prior to the application deadline, AND you are currently not enrolled. In this case, you would be ineligible because you are already enrolled again in graduate school.
  • How can I find out if my specific research topic is eligible?
    • The NSF GRF Program Solicitation contains the official guidance regarding eligible fields and programs of study; see Section IV.3. Field of Study, Degree Programs, and Proposed Research.
  • Who is NOT eligible to apply to the GRFP?
    • The following individuals are not eligible to apply:
      • Individuals who are not U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents are not eligible. Foreign nationals who are in the U.S. on a student visa and those awaiting green cards are not eligible.
      • Individuals who are not enrolled and do not intend to enroll in a graduate degree program at a nonprofit institution of higher education accredited in, and having a campus located in, the United States, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are not eligible.
      • Individuals who are not enrolled in a research-based graduate degree program in an eligible Field of Study in STEM or STEM education (see Appendix and Section IV.3 in the NSF GRF Program Solicitation for eligible Fields of Study) are not eligible.
      • Individuals who have previously accepted an NSF GRFP offer are not eligible.
      • Individuals who were awarded the Fellowship and did not notify NSF of their intention to accept or decline the Fellowship by the published deadline for accepting the Fellowship are not eligible.
      • Individuals who have previously applied while enrolled in a degree-granting graduate program are not eligible.
      • Individuals who have earned a doctoral or terminal degree in any field are not eligible.
      • Individuals who are current NSF employees are not eligible.
      • Individuals who will be enrolled in a practice-oriented professional degree program such as medical, dental, law, or public health degrees at any time during the Fellowship are not eligible. Ineligible degree programs include, but are not limited to, MBA, MPH, MSW, JD, MD, DVM, and DDS.
      • Individuals who plan to pursue a joint science-professional degree program (such as an MD/Ph.D. or JD/Ph.D.), even if they propose using the GRFP only for the Ph.D. part of their program, are not eligible. Additionally, applicants who are enrolled, or plan to enroll, in a graduate degree program while on a leave of absence from a professional degree program or professional degree-graduate degree joint program are not eligible.
  • How should I select my Field of Study?
    • Applicants are advised to select the Major Field of Study and Subfield that is most closely aligned with the proposed graduate program of study and research plan. If the subfield is not listed, it may not be eligible for NSF GRFP.
    • Choose your Major Field of Study carefully.
      • Applications must be received by the deadline for the first Major Field of Study designated in the application.
      • Applications will be reviewed by experts in the first Major Field of Study listed.
      • If awarded, Fellows will be required to enroll in a graduate degree program consistent with the Major Field of Study proposed in their application. A fellowship will not be awarded in a different Major Field of Study from that indicated in the application.
  • When will applicants be notified of the results?
    • Reviewed applicants will be notified of the results of the competition in the Spring.
  • I want to update my fellowship application, but I have already submitted my application. What should I do?
    • If the application submission period is still open, complete the following steps:
      • Access the Welcome Applicants home page.
      • Select Withdraw Application Package from the Application Package Optional Task List.
      • Proceed to withdraw your application.
      • Select Restore Application Package from the Application Package Optional Task List.
      • Proceed to restore your application.
      • Select Prepare Application from the Application Package Task List.
      • Make your updates to the application and submit it.
  • I want to withdraw my fellowship application, but I have already submitted my application. What should I do?
    • Complete the following steps:
      • Access the Welcome Applicants home page.
      • Select Withdraw Application Package from the Application Package Optional Task List.
      • Proceed to withdraw your application to remove it from review.

      Note: If you have not submitted your application, select Cancel Application Package from the Application Package Optional Task List instead. You have the option to restore your application and resubmit if you change your mind and the application submission period is still open.

GRFP Application Technical FAQs

  • What file types can be uploaded in the NSF GRFP Application Module?
    • All fellowship application files must be uploaded in PDF format. These files include:
      • Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement
      • Graduate Research Plan Statement
      • Reference Letters
  • What are the application formatting compliance requirements in the system?
    • The GRFP Application Module will automatically check compliance with these requirements. If your documents are not compliant, they will not be accepted by the NSF GRFP Application Module.
    • Upload your documents early to ensure they are format-compliant. Noncompliant documents will delay the upload of the complete application and may result in missing the deadline.
    • The Personal, Relevant Background, and Future Goals Statement and the Graduate Research Plan Statement must conform to the following requirements:
      • Standard letter paper size (8.5″ by 11″)
      • Font size 11-pt or higher (except text that is part of an image)
      • Times New Roman font for text, Cambria Math for equations, Symbol font for non-alphabetic characters (it is recommended that equations and symbols be inserted as an image)
      • Cited references should include the name of the journal (abbreviations accepted).
      • 1″ margins on all sides, no text inside 1″ margins (no header, footer, name, or page number)
      • No less than single spacing (approximately six lines of text within a vertical space of one inch)
      • Do not use line spacing options such as “exactly 11 point” that are less than single-spaced
      • PDF file format only
        • File cannot be a scanned image
        • File size cannot exceed 10 MB
        • File cannot be password protected
        • File cannot be empty
      • Page Length:
        • Personal, Relevant Background, and Future Goals Statement cannot exceed three pages
        • Graduate Research Plan Statement cannot exceed two pages

      Transcripts must conform to the following requirements:

      • File size cannot exceed 10 MB
      • File cannot be password protected
      • File cannot be empty

      Failure to comply with the above rules will result in one or more error messages. You must correct the error(s) and upload the PDF again.

  • Why is there a margin error for the PDF I am uploading? My margins are set to one inch.
    • Try the following fixes to common issues:
      • Remove page numbers: Ensure the document has no text in the header or footer, including page numbers.
      • Review inserted images or shapes: Margins can be set to one inch, but a stray image or shape can violate the margin rule. Setting the margin rule to one inch will not automatically move the images or shapes within the margins.
  • Why do I receive a font error upon document upload when the font was set to an acceptable font type and size using “Select All”?
    • Much depends on the particular word processor used because of how word processors export files to PDF.
    • For Microsoft Office, “Select All” will not include inserted images, shapes, numbered lists, or bullets. Each object has its own font and needs to be updated separately to an allowable font and size. Be mindful of images inserted into shapes, as each image and shape can have its own font type.
    • In Microsoft Office Word, double-click an image to ensure it was not inserted as an object (e.g., PowerPoint slide). If another application opens, a non-graphical image is inserted, and the object contains invalid metadata that will make the PDF upload fail. Re-insert an image by pasting it as an image.
  • What should I consider if I include images in my statement files?
    • If your image includes text (titles, labels, captions, etc.), that text should be part of the image and not editable. Failure to make all text part of the image could result in font type and size errors.
  • My statement files include equations and special symbols and characters. Will my statement pass the compliance checks?
    • Cambria Math font for equations and Symbol font for special characters will be supported in the file; however, we strongly recommend that equations, special characters, and symbols be inserted as a non-editable image. Using a non-editable image will bypass the font type and size checks.
  • What other known issues should I know about unallowable fonts when exporting a file to PDF?
    • OpenOffice inserts an unallowable font for superscript and subscript.
    • Google Docs may not correctly export bulleted text and should not be used.
    • It may be necessary to insert equations or other aspects of the application using Cambria or Latex as a non-editable Using a non-editable image will bypass the font type and size checks.
    • Microsoft Office for Macs has different “Save as PDF” options. The GRFP Application Module may not support the “Best for Printing” functionality. Instead, select the “Best for electronic distribution and accessibility (uses Microsoft online service)” option.
    • Older versions of Microsoft Word (2007 or earlier) may produce font errors.
    • For Microsoft Office, do not use “Print as PDF” to create a PDF. Instead, use “Export” and “Create PDF.”
  • How can I determine the font types used in my PDF? I continue receiving an error message and know I am using an acceptable font type.
    • Open the PDF.
    • Right-click on the document content.
    • Select Document Properties from the list.
    • Select the Fonts tab (third tab) at the top.
    • Review the list of font types.
    • Only Times New Roman is accepted. Cambria Math and Symbol fonts may be used for equations.
  • What should I do if I receive the following error message when I attempt to upload my personal or graduate research statement PDF:
    • An issue with your file upload has been encountered. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please verify your file and try your upload again. If the issue persists, you may contact the NSF Help Desk at or 1-800-673-6188.Check if there are blank pages within the PDF. If so, complete the following steps:
      • Export the PDF to Word
      • Delete the blank page(s)
      • Re-save the Word document as a PDF
      • Upload the PDF to GRFP

      If there are no blank pages, then complete the following steps:

      • Export the PDF to Word
      • RE-save the Word document as a PDF
      • Upload the PDF to GRFP